1. Îethka Values, spoken by Tataga Thkan Wagichi, Dr. Trent Fox

Îethkahâ wahogû-wîchakiyabi
Wakâ ne wachî ya. Rely on the Creator.
Wogasodesîyâ îchihnuha. Embrace purity and sacredness.
Nîtawachî, nîchâde ekta aîchiktaga. Keep your mind and heart strong.
Thudanâ ne ta-waka yak. Do not let money be your god.
Snîzebinâ cha înaga. Be gentle in heart and mind.
Ohnîrhpa nîchiyek. Don' t be discouraged.
Mâkoche ne ahopa. Respect Mother Earth.
Wayubâbigam. Show hospitality.
Yurhpabi nîchiyek. Do ot let others bring you down.
Wa’ahogipa. Show respect.
Odagijiye dââbi yuha. Help others without hesitation. Be obedient.
Wogidâ ya. Keep going.
Îsniyes. Thank you
2. Îyâ Sa Wîyâ Wahogû-kiyabi Cha,
Red Mountain Woman Receives a Teaching. Video.
3. Îethka Alphabet, spoken by Îyâ Sa Wîyâ, Valentina Fox
4. Îethka Numbers, spoken by Îyâ Sa Wîyâ, Valentina Fox
For a pdf of the Numbers pages from Îethka book, download here.
Wazi (1). Tokân wazi (1 fox).
Num (2). Thîde thabân nûm (2 black-tail deer).
Yamni (3). Thiktabîn yamni (3 birds).
Ktûtha (4). Keyabi tâga ktûtha (4 tipis).
Thapta (5) îyarthe thapta (5 mountains).
Wîkchemna (6). Thicha Wîkchemna (6 grouse).
Sagowi (7). Tatâga sagowi (7 bison).
Sarhnora (8). Sûwa tâga sarhnora (8 horses).
Nâpchûwîk (9). Châohmîhmâ nâpchûwîk (9 wagons).
Wîkchemna (10). Pachedên Wîkchemna (10 elk).
Age Wazi (11). Pithên age wazi (11 gophers).
Age Nûm (12). Wobathokâ age nûm (12 Saskatoon berries).
Age Yamnî (13). Woya Age Yamnî (13 flowers).
Age Ktûtha (14). Horhâ age ktûtha (14 fish).
Age Thaptâ (15). Gamubi age thaptâ (15 drums).
Age Sakpe (16). Yarhyâîgên age sakpe (16 stars).
Age Sagowî (17). Châde age sagowî (17 hearts).
Age Sarhnora (18). Sûga age sarhnora (18 dogs).
Age Nâpchûwîk (19). Tesna age nâpchûwîk (19 hats).
Wîkchemnâ Nûm (20). Châpa wîkchemnâ nûm (20 chokecherries).
5. Mâkochâ Ne, spoken by Tataga Thkan Wagichi, Dr. Trent Fox
Mâkochî Ne
Ahomapabisîch eyage chagach
Dûhû okadahûnâ
Kohâ dûhû othnigahûnâ
Wahniyomnî ko oda wan
Mâkochî ne zehâ sihnach
Onâ kohûnâ
Mînî îsh opten û wan
Mâckochî ne zehâ siksach
Wodejabi ne
Nâgu thiktabin ne
Tormnârhti îko
Wanîja yabiwan
Mâkochî ne mâgidââsîch eyach
Wîchastabi ne nârhûbiktok
Ne edâhâ îyuthpebiktok
Mâkochî ne osimânam eyach
This Land
This land is now tired
It is saying you no longer respect me
It becomes very hot
It also becomes very cold
There are tornadoes occurring
The land is now angry
There are earthquakes
There are fires
And the water levels are changing
We have forgotten respect
The animals, the birds, the bees
are disappearing
The land is saying I am not well
Will we listen?
Or not?
Will we learn from this?
Or not?
The land is saying, “Take pity on me.”