Chasia’s Enchantment Audiobook
By Hilda Chasia Smith
The guided imagery and inspirational spoken words of Hilda Chasia Smith draws upon wisdom and teachings of the Torah, Pranayama yoga, and her own lively curiosity.
Release Date, January 2021 Listen to a guided meditation
Audiobook ISBN: 978-1-988824-55-0
After the Force: True Cases and Investigations by Law Enforcement Officers
Edited by Det. Debbie J. Doyle (ret.)
Book 8 in True Cases series, municipal, provincial, and federal reflect on their careers both in the service and “after the force.”
Release Date, June 2021
Pbk. ISBN: 978-1-988824-39-0
Stories by Métis Women: Tales My Kookum Told Me
Edited by Marilyn Lizee& Bailey Oster
Stories of culture, history and nationhood as told by Métis women.
Release Date, September 2021
Pbk. ISBN: 978-1-988824-21-5