Siksikaitsitapi: Stories of the Blackfoot People



The Foreword, by Alayna Many Guns

I am thrilled to welcome you all to this beautiful Blackfoot cultural experience. These children’s book chapters are written, illustrated, and translated by various Blackfoot Elders, authors, and artists to share, firsthand, a snapshot of our strong, beautiful way of life.
Siksikaitsitapi is a Blackfoot word that means “all things Blackfoot.” This includes people, our traditional lands, the way we do things, and our customs. It is a powerful word in our culture identifying our existence. Today, Siksikaitsitapi also encompasses our modern-day Tribal Nations of the Siksika Nation, the Blood Tribe, the Piikani Nation, and the Blackfeet Tribe which together make up the Blackfoot Confederacy. Our traditional lands since time immemorial encompass the southern Canadian provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan and into the northern half of the present-day US State of Montana. Although we are all Niitsitapi, minimal differences are present in the way each Tribe speaks, writes and interprets our language.

As Niitsitapi, Blackfoot People, our language, culture and stories are the foundation of our existence. Stories are sacred and are used as educational tools for not only our younger generations, but for all our people when we consult with Elders and our Grandfathers and Grandmothers. Stories include paradigms by our Elders to educate about the ways our ancestors did things, and also about ways our ancestors did not do things.

One of my most treasured stories includes Natoosi, the Sun. A Grandfather shared his remembrance of waking early as a child as the sun was rising over the land. He heard his father sacredly drumming and singing to welcome Natoosi humbly, asking for prayers for the People, giving thanks for our many gifts and honouring our existence. As Niitsitapi we continue to practice our traditional ceremonies as given to us by Natoosi, Creator, and our Holy Ones. We hold in high esteem the sacredness of our cultural practices and acknowledge that our most sacred ways are not be to written down nor shared freely. Strict protocol is implemented to protect and ensure that the traditional methods of teaching and learning are continued.

These Blackfoot children’s book chapters share common knowledge stories which have been shared to our authors. Common knowledge includes everyday lessons and norms. The book provides us with an opportunity to reclaim our truths. In the past, sitting with an Elder and listening to traditional stories of the stars, the animals, Napi, and our purpose was a great gift. Today, this is more important than ever. Elders gift us with purpose, strength, knowledge, and love.

Throughout the last century and a half, in spite of Indian Residential Schools, colonized legislation, and laws created to ‘erase in the Indian in the child,’ the Niitsitapi have persevered in carrying on our stories. Niitsitapi have always cherished and valued the sacredness of the child. Children are considered holy and are held in high esteem. The loss of our children in the time of Residential Schools and being in a childless society was devastating. I ask that you keep our children who never made it home from Indian Residential School in your thoughts and prayers, and that you continue to stand beside us in our goals of reconciliation.

I invite you to experience this book, Siksikaitsitapi: Stories of the Blackfoot People to share a glimpse of our captivating Blackfoot way of life. Siksikaitsitapi will be a wonderful resource for many. I thank the numerous people that have supported us in the creation of these books, especially Richard Van Camp and the people at the Calgary Public Library, and Lorene Shyba and Raymond Yakeleya of Durvile & UpRoute Books.

— Sohkapinaaki, Alayna Many Guns, 2022. Member of the Siksika Nation

From the Chapter, "Siksikawa Otaawahsinnowa. Where the Blackfoot Live."

Iikootsomin (Red Wing) Payne Many Guns

Blackfoot People live along the rivers.
Mohkin’stitahtaan ­— Bow River
Otahkaitaam — Yellowstone River
Ponokaisitahtaan — North Saskatchewan River

Blackfoot People live with the water animals.
Mamii — Fish
Amonisii — Otter
Ksistakii — Beaver

Info about Siksikaitsitapi

YAN038010 Young Adult, Indigenous
Book 7 in the Indigenous Spirit of Nature Series
6” x 9” | 144 pages | Full Colour Illustrations

ISBN: 9781988824833 (pbk)
Price: $29.95 in Canada, $24.95 in US
Release date, March 21, 2022

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