Rosemary Griebel
From the book "Ascenti: Humans Opening to AI"
"My goal with this project was to see whether, like Frankenstein’s monster, poetic inspiration could be breathed into AI with the right content and prompts. To put it another way, can a ghost-like dissociated engine that uses predictive models write meaningful poetry, as compared to poetry which is created out of an intuitive, experiential, and emotion-based human practice?"

About Rosemary Griebel
Rosemary is a Calgary writer and professional librarian with a passion for community building, nature, and story. In addition to her poetry collection Yes, her award-winning poetry has appeared in The Best Canadian Poetry in English, as well as on CBC Radio, literary magazines, anthologies, and chapbooks.

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“The cultural and artistic roles of AI have received little attention so far. The Ascenti book is a welcome opening in that direction. It deals with AI used in creating visual arts, literature, and computer games, and analyzes both the new opportunities and limitations in these areas.” —Frans Mäyrä, PhD, Researcher of Culture and Society |